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ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey – Q4 2024

UK employers are indicating a growth mindset with an optimistic recruitment outlook for Q4 (October to November) 2024, according to the latest ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey.

The positive Net Employment Outlook of +28% – a measure of business hiring confidence – has increased by eight percentage points on the quarter and by two percentage points on the year. The Outlook is calculated by surveying more than 2,000+ UK-based organisations about their recruitment plans for the next business quarter.

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    Five leadership behaviours you should know

    How to recognise leadership potential in your IT teamIf you’re looking for a leader for your IT team, you can of course advertise the position, start receiving applications and conduct a big assessment where you put candidates through their paces.This has clear benefits: leaders from the outside bring other methods with them, while the fresh wind from competitors is excellent for your company.Alternatively, however, you can focus on the resources you already have, namely your existing employees. Among them, you’ll often find a better option with fewer risks and less time required.But what makes a good leader? How can you recognise the leadership potential of an IT specialist? These are the questions we would like to address in this blog post.IT leadership: What does good leadership look like?Before you can recognise a good leader, you must first be clear about what good leadership is(from your perspective).It goes without saying that this is a debated matter. There are a variety of leadership styles for which different skills are needed. However, there’s one thing of which most experts are convinced: leadership isn’t about telling your employees what to do and simply enforcing it. Nor does it mean being the best in a field, the loudest or the most extroverted. Leadership is something completely different.Leadership is servingCompetent leadership means:Creating a space in which people can develop their skills, deploying them according to their respective strengths and weaknesses, and creating efficiency through the right use of personnel.Inspiring people to fully invest themselves in their role and go above and beyond every single day. Leading is all about filling people with enthusiasm.Listening to team members, supporting them and mediating when necessary.In a nutshell, leadership is about service, not a privileged title or position. If you want to lead, you must be willing to serve. That is not always pleasant. In fact, quite the opposite: leading means exposing yourself to discomfort, being vulnerable and constantly reaching out to others. As a leader, you serve as a role model; soft skills are therefore just as important as hard skills.However, true leadership skills are thin on the ground, which is what makes them so valuable.Five essential behaviours of a leaderSo, what personality traits should you look for when recruiting a leader from your IT team? It’s tempting to promote the person with the greatest expertise or the person that speaks the most in meetings.Although such people are usually capable employees, they may be completely unsuited to lead others. Instead of just IQ, leaders primarily need EQ. In other words, soft skills are what are needed most. Here are the five most important characteristics of a good IT leader:1. Successful self-leadershipThe golden role of leadership? Lead yourself first, then lead others. A good leader must demonstrate excellence in leadership in relation to themselves and their work, for example by:Practicing effective self-care, g. maintaining a healthy work-life balanceEstablishing routines for themselves that lead to successAlways keeping an overview of their tasksKnowing their limits and saying no when necessaryKnowing their values and living by them.2. IntegrityFor a good leader, their word is their bond. They stand up for what they believe in, even when the going gets tough. In doing so, they inspire those around them and foster loyalty and trust.3. Constructive handling of errorsMake mistakes, admit mistakes and learn from mistakes. This is the creative cycle in every business, especially in IT.Good leaders must therefore be able to handle mistakes and thereby establish a positive culture of making mistakes within their sphere of influence. This also includes the courage to deal with imperfections in an open, appreciative manner and give encouraging feedback.4. Willingness to take risks and the ability to trustTaking work off other people? Keeping a tight rein on anything and everything? These are not signs of a competent manager.Instead, a good leader aims to empower team members to compensate for possible deficits so that they themselves can perform the tasks assigned to them effectively. Good leadership also means providing support and training so that individual employees can develop within the team. This requires trust in employees and a willingness to accept the risks associated with delegation.5. Empathy and strong communication skillsLeaders are social workers. In other words, they are responsible for ensuring that the people within their team are satisfied, feel comfortable (with each other) and work together in a way that generates value.Leaders manage tasks; but above all, they manage people. That’s why they need qualities that will help them deal with people:Empathy to understand others and communication skills to get their message across appropriately.Agile leadership, i.e. applying methodologies that provide the team with clear, secure processes. The manager always maintains an overview and communicates this to their employees: where do we stand as a team and what are the goals we are working towards together?Situational leadership to manage employees in the team individually, promote their strengths, and respond to different needs. Although not every team member has the same skills, the team is still able to achieve the goal thanks to the help of the manager.Step-by-step guide to evaluating leadership skillsYou now know what makes an excellent leader. But how do you go about discovering this “treasure” in your IT team and shaping them to become a leader? Follow our step-by-step guide for HR professionals:Observe: Stay present in your team. And not just at the next team building event. In the office, in the kitchen and in the meeting room, employees are constantly showing you what they are made of. You simply need to pay attention to their behaviour. Talk to other managers about their team members as well.Narrow down the group of people: Over a few weeks, depending on the size of the team, two or more people will emerge whom you suspect have leadership potential.Challenge: Focus on these employees once again. You may want to give them a little more responsibility in consultation with their manager and see what happens.Develop: Once you’ve discovered a leadership talent, don’t throw them in at the deep end. Training and mentoring programmes help them to acquire the skills they lack and gradually grow into their new role.Excellent IT leaders are waiting for you at ExperisNot found what you were looking for? You may not always discover leadership skills within your own team. In this case, you can use Experis to draw on our pool of excellent IT leaders. Experis is your direct route to a new leader for your IT team – whether permanently or on an individual project basis. Just get in touch!

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    Five straight-forward tips for talent attraction

    Winning the war for talent – but peacefullyThe war for talent has been raging since 1997, when a McKinsey analyst first used the martial term to characterise the mounting competition for qualified young talent. Since then, recruiting suitable employees has become a survival factor in many industries. We need only mention the struggle many companies face in finding digital transformation and IT specialists.As a result, HR departments are no longer focused on simply publishing job ads; they are also now developing comprehensive talent attraction strategies. This blog post provides guidance on how to ensure the performance and growth of your organisation using these strategies.The causes of the war for talentHow did the war for talent come about? Here are some of the reasons in summary form:Due to demographic shifts, there’s a shortage of labour in European countries, in the USA and even in populous countries such as China and India.Global economic growth and the development of the knowledge society are based on the activities of highly qualified professionals. Organisations today are in global competition for them.In addition, younger generations place high expectations on their employers. According to statistics, Gen Z members are not only interested in job security; they also want greater flexibility. It’s vital for them to have a work-life balance, mobility, flat hierarchies and the assurance of being able to contribute. These needs are particularly common in the IT industry, where agile working has long been established.IT-savvy companies can do little about points one and two, which is why the talent search must focus on responding to point three.Five readily achievable talent attraction measures1. Your company is a brand. Cultivate it.Does your company need system administrators, database programmers, graphic designers, SEO copywriters, social media marketing professionals or something similar? If so, the wording and design of your job ad should be adapted to your target group and stand out from those of your competitors. In addition, mention financial and non-financial perks in the job ad. You can find out more about the benefits of this in tip five of this blog post.What do you think potential candidates do once they’ve looked at a job advertisement? That’s right, they go to Google. Use this stage of the candidate journey to your benefit by presenting your organisation as an attractive brand, regardless of the specific recruitment campaign.Since IT professionals use industry-specific platforms and communities, companies should be active here as well as on LinkedIn. This way, they can inform themselves about IT trends and news, gain know-how and simultaneously expand their network. In forums, you can address talent directly or receive recommendations. Workshops and events such as hackathons as well as cooperation with universities, associations and non-commercial organisations also generate excellent contact opportunities.Another option is to keep a company blog (like this one). Regularly updated blog posts signal that your organisation thinks in a contemporary manner, is committed to issues beyond its core business and is not afraid to share information. A blog comes across as approachable when employees from different departments report on their personal experiences.You can also assume that sought-after IT professionals are scouring social media for your company. Turn the tables and become active yourself. Use the popular platforms and career networks to present yourself to professionals. You should even consider appearing on TikTok. Does your board turn up its nose at this? Well, rise above it, and let success speak for itself!2. Think outside the box by thinking inside the box when recruiting talentNo one can promote your company better than the employees who are already there. This is why you should start a referral programme. Through private and professional networks, you encounter talent that you would never have reached otherwise. You can also assume that the candidates will suit your company – after all, no one puts their reputation on the line by making unsuitable suggestions. A referral programme is particularly motivating when combined with rewards, such as additional holidays or salary bonuses for successful hires.However, it could be that you don’t need to recruit externally at all. You might have the IT talent you are looking for right under your nose – because they are already working in the company and just need to be further qualified. Conduct some tests so that you can spot capable employees and find out which of them can be trained. This will cost a little, but the added value is huge: you make savings on your recruitment budget while promoted employees thank you with greater loyalty and increased motivation.3. The secret of successful communication: Listening and feedbackThe first point of personal contact with IT talent is your visiting card. Be well prepared; confusion and misunderstandings are a no-go that reflect badly on your company. Discuss all matters in a transparent manner, such as how long an interview is likely to take, how many stages your recruitment process involves, and whether any aptitude tests are planned.Keep applicants informed of their status without being asked and answer questions promptly. Appropriate feedback also includes explaining to someone why they are not suitable at this time. In return, you can underline your commitment by making alternative proposals.Applicants get a rather negative impression if they have to answer the same questions in different recruitment interviews, e.g. because team leaders and HR are not in communication. This ultimately shows a lack of sales skills.In the end, you should keep in mind that it’s not only the candidate’s responsibility to convince you of their abilities; the company must also make an active effort to win over applicants.4. Recruitment processes reveal as much about companies as they do about candidatesThe selection process must be short and clear. If the loops are too long, qualified candidates will be the first to say goodbye. To speed up the process, video interviews are now a good and commonly used option.IT specialists love technical debates and like to consider the pros and cons of various software and hardware. You need to take this into account in the selection process. Non-committal questions like “Where do you see yourself in five years?” or conversations about hobbies and their last holiday seem a little out of place. Stick to what you know about the applicant from their CV and discuss how their qualifications will contribute to the success of your company.Outline some challenges facing one of your projects and ask the candidate to comment. This will achieve two things: they’ll feel like you are taking them seriously and you’ll get an impression of how confident and technically skilled they are.5. Don’t think of benefits as a fruit basketPerks shouldn’t be the primary focus of any application processes. Cleverly placed, however, they can tip the balance in your favour. To do so, your perks need to stand out compared to those offered by your competitors. Free snacks, coffee, fitness subscriptions and table football will at best bring a sympathetic smile.Rather, you should offer structural benefits: a flexible working model, working remotely and from a distance (IT professionals in particular like to work abroad), a company car, a company pension scheme as well as supplementary health insurance and, above all, regular further training. Of course, you can keep your fruit basket as well.Conclusion: The war for talent in the IT sector doesn’t end with recruitmentYou’ll not succeed in the war for talent if you just implement these tips in isolation. This is because retaining talent is at least as important as attracting it. You can enjoy better talent retention with strong employer branding, a referral programme, transparent communication, a streamlined application process and structural benefits.Experis supports you on this path as an expert in IT talent attraction and retention.Get in touch​

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    ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey – Q2 2023

    ​UK employers report a buoyant labour market with the Net Employment Outlook rising to +21%, up two percentage-points since last quarter and down ten percentage-points on Q2 2022.In the context of record low unemployment and a historically tight labour market, employers continue to struggle to attract skilled talent, and in demand workers can’t find employers that fit their pay and skills needs. ManpowerGroup is advising employers revisit their essential skills requirements and consider what can be learnt on the job.The ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey is based on responses from 2,020 UK employers and asks if they intend to hire additional workers, maintain current headcount, or reduce the size of their workforce in the coming quarter (April to June 2023). It is the most comprehensive, forward-looking employment survey of its kind and is used as a key economic indicator by both the Bank of England and UK Government.“Our survey continues to show strong hiring intentions despite the economic climate, but hiring intentions are not translating into filled vacancies.” said Chris Gray, Director at ManpowerGroup UK.“There is a mismatch between what workers want and what employers are offering. Employers across the country are still keen to take on new talent, and workers want to take on higher paying roles with greater development opportunities. However, they aren’t seeing these jobs advertised. Job descriptions are going unread because they aren’t offering the skills growth workers want. Employers need to be clear about the progression opportunities and the training they are providing.”Approximately ten million people in the UK currently do not have a job, with 1.2m of those being unemployed and the remaining 8.9 million classed as economically inactive. “It’s time to bring these workers into the fold,” continues Gray.​ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook SurveyReport​ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook SurveyInfographic

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    Creating Talent for the Future – how to move towards a net zero talent ecosystem

    ​Organisations are under more pressure than ever to find talent with the right skills, whilst increasing workforce performance and productivity. On top of this, employers in the UK have ambitious plans to increase headcount at a record rate. Businesses are proactively recruiting following the pandemic, yet struggle to fill vacancies.With employers reporting that they can’t find the skills they need, there is an opportunity to think differently, closing the skills gap and building a talent pool for the future, to fulfil the need for in-demand talent today and tomorrow.In this free webinar, our panel of experts discuss how training and upskilling can provide a solution to the growing challenge of talent shortages and ways organisations can build their talent pipeline to strengthen workforce performance. Joined by Gary Joyce, Transport Controller and NTM for Calor the panel also discussed:Mastering talent sustainability – What can employers do to ensure their workforce has the skills they need to move towards a net zero talent ecosystem?What are the benefits of motivating and upskilling workforces for organisations?What is MyPath and how can it support your organisation’s search for new talent?WATCH NOW​

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    WFHForever: The workplace revolution

    ​There’s a revolution going on, and it started with a virus.As the first wave of Covid 19 crashed across the UK, and large swathes of the workforce moved to remote working, WFH became a familiar meme to millions. According to the Office for National Statistics, at the peak of the first wave, almost half of all workers were working from home at least one day a week. In the communications, information and tech industries, WFH numbers were close to 70%. Almost overnight, long-established work routines were replaced by Zoom calls, casual dress, flexi-hours, and the commute from bedroom to kitchen. For many workers, this was ‘working 2.0’ and they liked what they found.Now, as the pandemic recedes into memory, businesses are playing catch-up at a frenzied pace and the demand for workers to return to the office is being led by government. However, this clarion call is falling flat with ‘Worker 2.0’. Recent Google mobility data indicates that the UK’s daily commuter numbers are still more than 20% below pre-pandemic levels, and a global study reveals that among industrialised nations, the UK has the highest percentage of workers (16%) who would sooner quit their job than return to the old nine to five way of working. oweverThese realisations should come as no surprise to keen observers of the UK labour market. In an era where job vacancies have outstripped job seekers for the first time, workers know they can get what they want, and our own research reports an expanding re-invention of work by workers. From the production line to the home office, employees are demanding more workplace flexibility, fair wages and greater autonomy as a norm, effectively redefining what is “essential” for work and for workers. With deeper analysis revealing that 45% of employees want flexible hours, 35% want hybrid working, and 49% would move to an organisation that gives them better wellbeing, we can be sure that the macro effects of WFH are not temporary and that WFHForever signals permanent change.What does this mean for employers? It means forward thinking organisations must offer hybrid working to their employees if they are to retain and recruit top candidates. Allowing employees to choose where they work and when they work has become a gamechanger in the battle to secure good talent, with some of the biggest organisations already offering this flexibility to their entire global workforce. In reverse, it should be expected that companies who prefer the old status quo will risk losing out in the future hunt for best workers. This is especially pertinent for the IT/Tech sector where our recent ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey discovered 49% of organisations expect to enlarge their workforce in Q3 2022 – the joint highest hiring outlook for all sectors in the UK – and competition for top employees is likely to be fierce.As with many revolutions, a sudden flashpoint has revealed that what seemed set in stone was truly built from sand. Covid 19 has shown that UK workers crave change, and the old way of working is no longer working. Companies that embrace this new world of work and give workers what they want may enjoy the greatest opportunities for success as the post-pandemic recovery continues to accelerate.Learn more about the future of UK employment and the trends we foresee that may affect your organisation. Get ahead and stay in front. Download your free copy of our Great Realisation whitepaper now.

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    Just launched! ManpowerGroup's Human Age Newspaper

    ​2022 has the potential to be one of the most transformative years in recent history. As we enter the post-pandemic reality, companies are realising they need to do more to attract and retain skilled, diverse workers, and people in turn are looking for more from their employers to thrive at work.This has led to the emergence of what we’re calling the Great Realisation – where both workers and companies are recognising the need for something new and different.We’re delighted to share the latest edition of our Human Age newspaper, where we explore all the labour market trends contributing to the Great Realisation in detail, as well as some of our own initiatives and solutions for tackling the challenges of today’s world of work.Top storiesThe New Buzz - Introducing the four B’s of IT ServicesCan shifting the focus from headcount to project delivery transform the way you run your IT services?There’s a shift from provision of resource to provision of outcome, and the big question now is not ‘Who do we need to get the job done?’ but more fundamentally ‘What are we actually trying to achieve?’. So, farewell bums on seats, hello brains in gear.Explore why outcomes are in when it comes to technology resourcing.LEARN MORE​​Full Speed Ahead – The Tech Revolution goes into Hyperdrive More than 80% of employers have accelerated digitisation in response to COVID-19, and consumers and employees alike now expect tech to make the way they live and work easier. The right blend of tech and talent is front and centre for businesses, creating new urgency for organisations to upskill their people so they can translate data into insights, make data-driven decisions and combine the best of human and machine learning. We take a closer look at the impact of tech acceleration.READ MORE​​At ManpowerGroup we’re committed to transforming our business for the post-pandemic world, while helping you do the same! Explore all the latest workforce trends now.​READ THE HUMAN AGE​​

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    The Human Age Edition 12: The Great Jobs Reset

    ​Despite the impact of the pandemic on unemployment, the labour market has roared back to life, and there are already signs of the sector tightening as in the start of 2020.Organisations have increasingly specific skills’ needs as transformation accelerates, and challenges that existed pre-2020 still remain as competition returns and demand for workers outstrips supply. Over three quarters of British employers report difficulty filling roles, making the need to find new ways to close the skills’ gaps even more urgent.Consumer habits have changed as a result of the pandemic. Footfall in urban centres remains low as demand for delivery drivers continues to boom. Post-pandemic home renovations outweigh the prospect of a holiday abroad as construction hiring grows across the country. IT and digital roles cannot be filled fast enough as home and hybrid-working models cement themselves for the foreseeable future – all at a time when labour mobility is down as a result of global lockdowns and Brexit. This leaves the UK with a workers’ market, as employees act more like customers in how they are consuming work — seeking flexibility, competitive pay and fast decisions. Businesses across the UK need to understand What Workers Want and be committed to offering it at speed in order to snap up the best of what our workforce has to offer.Businesses remain optimistic. Demand as it is can only mean the economy is roaring back to life, and faster than it did after the last recession. Employers are ready to bring their workers back as restrictions lift and the UK gets ready for the Great Jobs Reset. Now is the time for employers to get creative to attract and retain talent. The Human Age provides practical solutions to build your workforce back better – helping people to pre-skill, upskill and reskill for in-demand roles to create a better and more sustainable workplace.Download your copy of the paper now by completing the form below and discover how ManpowerGroup sees employee priorities changing, what companies can do today to ensure they remain an employer of choice in years to come and how to be part of the Great Jobs Reset.​​

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    Data Scientists are in high demand – here’s how to attract them into your organisation

    Virtual and augmented reality, advanced robotics and self-driving cars are technologies that exemplify the digital transformation of our world. However, none of these advancements would be possible without data and, more importantly, how we build, interpret and understand data.To stay ahead of the competition, organisations need to continually invest in these progressive technologies. Data analysis methodology is becoming more sophisticated and the volume of data being collected is rapidly increasing. In turn, this means that the number and variety of roles in data science are also growing significantly, creating high demand for Data Scientists and Engineers. In this post, we’re sharing insights on why these specialist candidates are in such high demand, UK-wide hiring data for this talent pool, and how to attract these professionals into your organisation.The steady growth in data science rolesOver the last few years there has been a measurable increase in data science investment within organisations, and Refinitiv has reported that the COVID-19 pandemic will accelerate this investment even further, with 40% of firms expecting to increase machine learning.Through organisations recognising the value of data analytics and increased investment in this area, the number of jobs available has also spiked. Since 2012, there has been a 650% increase in data science jobs and while demand for Data Scientists remains high, supply is low and, according to IBM, this trend is set to continue. Data collected between 2019 and 2021 shows that there are now fewer candidates available per job than in prior years, indicating the difficulty employers may face in attracting the talent they need.Looking specifically at the UK market, the majority of employers recruiting this specialist talent pool are in England (91%), while 8% are in Scotland and 2% in Wales. Unsurprisingly, London accounts for 55% of the job openings, followed by other cities which are home to large-scale IT, healthcare or manufacturing companies, such as Cambridge, Edinburgh and Manchester. Reviewing the share of job opportunities on a regional level, 5% are in the North West and South West, respectively, 6% are in the South East, 8% in Scotland and 12% in Eastern England.The context behind the surge in demand for talentOne reason for the shortage of Data Scientists is because more companies are realising the value of big data in making informed business decisions. To that end, Refinitiv reported that between 2018 and 2020, there was a 260% growth in the number of data science teams per firm. We’ve also seen a trend whereby smaller businesses across the country build specific data functions to stay ahead of their competitors, while a number of our clients have changed their strategic approach to be data-led, so that they can engage with their customer base in a much more targeted way.The value of adding Data Scientists to your teamUsing algorithms and machine learning, Data Scientists can extract valuable insights from data, enabling them to make informed decisions and predictions that have a significant impact for organisations, touching everything from business strategy to customer engagement.A recent survey from TechRepublic supports the importance of data science, reasoning why more organisations are increasing their investment in this area; they reported that using data analytics can create significant competitive advantages, allowing organisations to maximise opportunities and mitigate potential risks. In fact, the report participants attributed data science and analytics as a major contributor to their business success, with 79% confirming that their company used analytics.Candidates’ job preferencesGenerally speaking, most candidates are attracted to work for a company where they can collaborate with a wider data team. Plus, they want to understand how their position fits into that wider team and the overall organisation, and clearly see the impact of their work. Recent data indicates that a large number of job seekers would be willing to relocate for the right role, demonstrating that company fit is a key consideration for candidates in this market.How companies can attract Data Scientists to their workforceOrganisations need to have a clear roadmap for their data science capability, along with clearly defined roles within a data science team, otherwise candidates may not understand the purpose of their role or the scope of their remit. Encouraging inventive approaches to work, recognising achievement and offering flexibility will go a long way. Reward plays a big part too. The Dice Tech Salary 2021 Report shows that in the US, between 2019 and 2020, Data Scientists experienced a 12.8% salary increase– one of the biggest within the tech market, while Data Engineers’ salaries increased by 4.7%. We expect to see a similar trend in the UK, given that there is high demand and low supply for this talent pool, so both pay and the wider benefits package need to be carefully considered.If you need support recruiting Data Scientists, we’re here to help. Experis is the global leader in professional IT resourcing and solutions, operating in more than 50 countries worldwide. Thanks to our expert industry knowledge, history of success and strong relationships with organisations large and small, we’re perfectly placed to match specialist IT professionals into permanent and contract assignments. To learn how we can help you attract the right talent in this competitive market, please contact Matthew Costello today.

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    Digital predictions for 2021

    ​After a tumultuous year, the world of work has changed dramatically. Organisations have had to adapt their systems, processes and ways of working, shifting to a more agile, creative and flexible approach in order to survive. The digital space has played a huge part in this global transformation and while the demand for skilled digital professionals is soaring, so too is the competition amongst candidates. To help set you up for success in the year ahead, we’ve gathered insights from Experis’ digital recruiters about their predicted trends and expectations for the market in 2021.Remote working is here to stay​Remote working has huge upsides for candidates, one of which is the scope for new job possibilities, as geographical proximity to an employer’s office is no longer relevant. Without this location restriction, permanent jobs and fixed-term projects across the country (and beyond) are up for grabs, meaning professionals can look for work that truly aligns with their interests and skills. The challenge, however, is candidates are now competing with talent on a much broader scale.​Essential skills​As recently as 18-24 months ago, some skills and knowledge would have been listed as “desirable” on a job specification. But after the events of 2020, the need for particular skills has accelerated and what were previously considered nice-to-have areas of expertise are now “essential” requirements for a lot of employers – specifically cloud technologies, such as AWS and Azure.​Market trends​Although Javascript was once solely a front-end technology, that’s changed for good. No longer do we assume that a Javascript Developer only works on the front end.While Microservices have been on the scene for a while, this year we’ve seen Micro‑frontend architecture becoming increasingly popular and that’s set to continue through 2021.Angular and React have been prominent in the market for a number of years but we’re also expecting another (potentially new) Javascript framework to emerge. Svelte is a strong contender.​Organisational structure​Increasingly businesses are moving to a cross-functional structure and they’re reaping the benefits from collaborative working and collective problem solving. We expect this approach to continue into the next year and beyond, particularly as remote working rises, organisations invest further in collaborative media tools, and office space is scaled back.Experis is the global leader in professional IT resourcing and solutions, operating in more than 50 countries worldwide. Thanks to our expert industry knowledge, history of success and strong relationships with organisations large and small, we’re well-equipped to share market insights like these and match specialist IT professionals into permanent and contract assignments. To find out more, visit our website:​

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    Experis CIO Advisory Council: Leading Through Crisis

    CIOs are no stranger to pressure. However, organisations’ typically strong appetites for technology and innovation have turned insatiable this year, to meet the urgent workforce and consumer needs brought on by the pandemic.​The CIO Advisory Council, comprised of CIOs across the globe brought together by Experis, met recently for a frank discussion about how to be an effective leader in times of crisis. Council participants shared the struggles they’re facing as technology and people leaders, what’s working to keep their teams on track and how they can persevere as leaders as the pandemic continues.​Leadership in the ‘Next Normal’ has arrived​Now that we’re ten months into the pandemic, leaders and employees have moved from operating in a state of shock to acceptance of the ‘next normal’ and defining what that looks like in each organisation. When it comes to meetings, leaders need to resist the urge to bring everyone to everything. When the nature of remote work turns every interaction into a meeting, leaders need to be intentional about setting meetings and selective about who needs to attend. Leaders can also try the Ringi System of agreeing upon and delivering solutions in a bottom-up approach to keep meetings smaller and more efficient. Shortening 30-minute meetings to 20-minute sessions can help fight meeting fatigue by providing people with an opportunity to get up and walk around between meetings to decompress.To maintain a sense of community, Council members suggested:Drive-by video chats to mimic dropping by someone’s deskRecreating the “water cooler” with five minutes of chatter built into the front-end of team meetingsBeing deliberate about one-on-one conversationsEngaging in frequent town halls.​Keeping high performers motivated​The dust has settled, but the demand for IT resources has not. The group lamented the double-edge sword of leading high performers and, as a leader, sometimes feeling like you’re overloading your most valued team members. This predicament can feel compounded when leading a team in the public sector or an organisation facing lean times, where monetary rewards may not be allowed. When leading a team through times such as this, how do you recognise and reward these people in a way that is meaningful? The Council agreed the key is to know our people and their individual motivators.​Soft skills for hard times​Leadership is about more than driving output. Below are three universal soft skills CIOs should practice (and encourage their teams to practice!) for leading in crisis.The pandemic has brought a level of intimacy between teams that didn’t exist before; we’re now in each other’s homes every day. As leaders, it’s ok to let your guard down a bit and connect with your team on a personal level. This will drive engagement and understanding.Resilience and endurance. Practice endurance and challenge yourself to lean into the discomfort a little bit longer. If you feel like you want to mentally check out of a meeting after 45 minutes, overcome and stay present. If you don’t survive the discomfort, you can’t grow.Optimism. Find people who can remain optimistic in the face of challenges, prop them up as leaders and set that example for your team. We cannot control the circumstances we face, but we can control how we react to them.​

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    ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey – Q1 2021

    The ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey for the first quarter 2021 was conducted by interviewing a representative sample of 1,306 employers in the UK.All survey participants were asked, “How do you anticipate total employment at your location to change in the three months to the end of March 2021 as compared to the current quarter?”Interviewing was carried out during the exceptional circumstances of the COVID-19 outbreak. The survey findings for the first quarter of 2021 are likely to reflect the impact of the global health emergency, and may be notably different to previous quarters.The survey results for this quarter report that:UK employment Outlook least positive in EuropeOptimism returns in vital finance and business services sectorExodus of EU workers creates opportunity for UK workforce but skills shortagesloom in key sectors like ConstructionThe UK jobs Outlook has rebounded six points in the last six months to -6%, according to the latest ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey, but the picture is disappointing compared to the rest of Europe and the labour market is increasingly divided. Sharp improvements in finance and business services and construction are offset by new falls in retail and hospitality, while the outlook in London has hit an all-time low.Mark Cahill, Managing Director, ManpowerGroup UK says: “The headline numbers are steadily moving in the right direction, and we are seeing a continued resurgence in key sectors like finance and business giving us reasons to be cheerful as we head into 2021. However, despite this positive trajectory, the UK remains the least optimistic in Europe, with continued uncertainty over Brexit and the effects of a second COVID-19 wave still looming large. Looking further ahead, our data also shows that only 49% of employers expect their hiring to return to pre-pandemic levels within the next 12 months.”Retail and hospitality is down two points to -13%, the weakest on record. Cahill continues: “The further decline of Britain’s high streets is deeply concerning. Shops, restaurants, and bars have remained mostly shut across the country, and the young people who make up a large proportion of workers in this sector have often borne the brunt. Stalwarts like Pret a Manger and TM Lewin are closing their doors as demand for quick lunches, smart shirts and suits has dried up, while Caffe Nero is on the brink of insolvency.”​ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey Report​ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey Infographic

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    ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey – Q4 2020

    The ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey for the fourth quarter 2020 was conducted by interviewing a representative sample of 1,258 employers in the UK.All survey participants were asked, “How do you anticipate total employment at your location to change in the three months to the end of December 2020 as compared to the current quarter?”Interviewing was carried out during the exceptional circumstances of the COVID-19 outbreak. The survey findings for the fourth quarter of 2020 are likely to reflect the impact of the global health emergency, and may be notably different to previous quarters.The survey results for this quarter report that:UK jobs Outlook for Q4 2020 at -8%, up 4 points from last quarter’s 28-year lowEarly signs of twin-track recovery as construction, finance and manufacturing all rise sharply while retail and hospitality are unmovedTwo-thirds of employers to overhaul workplace policies on remote working, flexi-time and new skills.COVID-19 continues to weigh heavy on the UK employment market but there are clear signs of improvement in the final quarter of 2020, according to the latest ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey. While the Q4 UK Employment Outlook is -8% – a near-historic low – new data reveals a 4-point lift compared to the previous quarter. As lockdown eases and employers embrace new ways of working, the uptick is driven by stronger hiring intentions in utilities and agriculture as well positive momentum in several other key sectors.Mark Cahill, Managing Director, ManpowerGroup UK says: “The headline number illustrates just how tough the labour market is currently. This is still the second weakest Outlook we’ve seen since 1992. But the four-point national increase from last quarter, along with a positive trend in several key sectors, is cause for some cautious optimism. Despite the end of the furlough scheme in October and signs of a resurgence in the virus in some areas, employers expect the UK jobs Outlook to be tentatively heading in the right direction as 2020 ends.”The main bright spots among the sectors for Q4 are utilities (+4%) and agriculture (+8%) – the only sectors in positive territory. Elsewhere there are indications of progress. While still low compared to historic norms, finance and business services saw a nine-point upswing to -7% this quarter – its biggest quarterly bounce since 2005. Manufacturing and construction are up sharply, from -14% last quarter to -7% in Q4. In contrast, two key sectors stand out for their continued weak performance. Transport, storage and comms is languishing on -17%, up slightly from -21% in Q3, but still very downbeat. Retail, wholesale and hospitality remains on -10%, an equal all-time low.​ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey Report​ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey Infographic​​​

  • Future Of Workers 1920

    The Future for Workers, By Workers: Making the Next Normal Better for All

    A dramatic workforce transformation is happening in front of our eyes. COVID-19 began as a health crisis and is playing out as an economic crisis and a social crisis. Work literally left the building and whole industries are disrupting at speeds never seen before.​Workforce demand is shifting too. Increased demand for cyber security experts, data analysts, software and app developers and new roles like contact tracers, distance monitors and temperature checkers are emerging as fast as others decline in aviation, hospitality and entertainment.​​​​​​​​Read the full report by filling out the form below:​​​

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    Thinking differently about what workers want

    The COVID-19 crisis has done little to slow the increasing appetite for flexibility among UK workers. While the transition to remote working has brought many challenges – balancing work and parental responsibilities, maintaining our mental health – it’s a change that many workers have embraced, and one that has them stating their claim for more flexibility in future. But how does flexibility stack up against the other factors when deciding on a role – a good salary, career progression opportunities, or working towards a strong societal purpose?We know from our research and the hundreds of thousands of people we put to work each year that what workers want varies by age, gender and geography, yet the biggest determinant is where someone is in their career lifecycle. This crisis has accelerated the move to understand what workers want, and in many cases there may be no going back. Now is the time for employers to think differently about what they offer, starting with the opportunity to blend work and home and creating clear career pathways to in-demand jobs.According to our What Workers Want data, the results are varied:GEN ZS (AGE 18–24) Gen Zs are ambitious, hungry for cash and career development. Women and men have differing priorities. When looking for a job, women look for competitive pay twice as much as their next priority – flexible hours – while men say a strong brand and diversity are most important.MILLENNIALS (AGE 25–34) Millennials want more pay, flexibility and challenging work. They understand they have a career ultramarathon ahead of them and want to achieve a One Life balance for the long run.YOUNGER XERS (AGE 35–44) Young Xers start to see balance kick in. Men prioritise flexibility as much as women. They want a flexible start and finish to their day, the ability to work remotely some, if not all of the time, and they want their share of parental leave.BOOMERS (AGE 55+) Boomers are also driven by pay, challenging work and flexibility. The boss they work for and the people they work with matter a great deal too. Older workers want to pay it forward: those over 65 are also motivated by purpose.What does this mean for businesses?Work has literally left the building. For years we’ve heard the growing chorus of calls for more flexibility, while maintaining productivity, and this has been realised overnight. We predict offering remote work will continue to be the fastest rising non-wage benefit: people value it and it’s cost effective for companies. The organisations that demonstrate they live their values and deliver on their purpose, especially in these challenging times, will be those that attract, retain and motivate the best skilled talent for future growth. Leadership has been redefined. Leadership today needs to be in service of the emotional and physical wellbeing of people first, and then in service of the business. This isn’t just your direct team; this is everyone. Ask yourself: what is it that you can uniquely bring? No-one has a playbook for this. Agility and authenticity are key.What does this mean for workers?Performance finally outweighs presenteeism; the way work gets done has had to shift to accommodate children being out of school and family members needing more support. We are increasingly living One Life (that blends work and home) at one time. Before this global pandemic, flexibility was growing in favour and part-time work was on the rise, enabling companies to manage their balance sheets and people to better blend work with home and other interests. The proportion of part-time roles have almost doubled and demand for contractors is on the rise.Keep your focus on women and diverse groups that might be negatively impacted by the pandemic. In the UK, women and ethnic minority groups have historically been the most impacted by rapid rises in unemployment. Employers need to work hard to avoid re-marginalising those that have worked hard to engage – women, parents, carers, older workers and other underrepresented groups.If you’re interested in learning more about candidate preference and the latest from the world of work, please find the eleventh edition of our Human Age newspaper:​

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    Maintaining a strong employer brand in a candidate flooded market

    ​As the Bank of England recently set out its yearly annual economic forecasts, its projection that unemployment would reach 7.5% by the end of 2020 casts a very different picture to the one we saw pre the global health crisis. Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, the UK was experiencing the tightest labour market in a generation, with talent shortages in key skills across a range of industries, it was without doubt a candidate-led market. Fast-forward to today and candidates from all sectors are on the job hunt and employers are looking for the right fit.The number of candidate applications have soared in past months. In the third week of March when the crisis was unfolding, we saw a 250% year-on-year increase in applications for roles in the Driving and Logistics sector. Across Q2, we witnessed a 58% increase in external applications across all engineering roles when compared with the previous quarter. For one client, where we had a large order for Administrative Officers with skills in customer service, decision-making, and empathy & compassion, we saw a record number of applications with over 40,000 candidates.For employers, whilst a greater volume of candidates does grant access to wider availability of talent, it does also present challenges. First and foremost, evaluating the quality of all applications is an increasingly larger undertaking for hiring managers. The focus has shifted to how organisations are screening and matching the right candidates to the right roles.As a business, we’re helping candidates apply for roles by enabling more self-selection. This focus means we’re being more explicit in our job postings, while also applying filter questions to assess skills demanded versus supplied and suitability for each role. Putting these safeguards in place will enable jobseekers to progress with roles to which they are most suited and leave employers with a more targeted group of relevant candidates with the greatest potential to stay and succeed. This will be a win-win scenario, the applicant has a greater chance of being called for interview from the early stages of the application process, and the employer avoids being inundated with applications that do not correspond to the advertised role.As part of our guidance, we always encourage our clients to be clear and conscientious when communicating with candidates. As well as applicants self-selecting and taking the time to personalise an application, the employer should also take the time to explain the outcome of their application – successful or unsuccessful – this is an important measure not only for your employer brand but also to support candidates whether progressed through the hiring process or not. A negative candidate experience now is likely to deter these candidates from applying to your business in future, and potentially put them off from buying your products – so maintaining a positive experience is vital for employers.Want to hear more insights on the latest issues impacting the world of work? Download the eleventh edition of our Human Age newspaper.
