What Workers Want: From Surviving to Thriving

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12 July 2022 by ManpowerGroup
Talent Shortage business-transformation

What does it mean to thrive at work? According to today’s workforce, it means being empowered to grow, nurturing mental fitness and physical well-being, finding meaning and purpose in their work, and defining success for themselves.​

The world of work has irrevocably changed; the seismic shifts caused by the pandemic have accelerated trends that have been building for some time. Before this, flexible and remote work models struggled to get off the ground, despite increased investment in tech and the rising demand of workers. Now, flexibility in many forms will be a lasting legacy of the pandemic as 93% of current workers see flexibility as important in the workplace.

Talent is now in extremely short supply, leading to intense competition and we don’t see this abating any time soon. And workers expect more – from their working lives, and from their employers. Well-being, both emotional and physical, is now firmly front and center when it comes to workers’ priorities.​

People don’t just want to survive, they want to thrive – and employers need to listen, rethink and act to attract and retain talent in the most competitive labour market in living memory.

ManpowerGroup researched and analysed responses from over 5,000 frontline, corporate and call center workers, as well as job seekers, across five countries (Australia, France, Italy, United Kingdom and United States) to learn what it means to thrive at work. We took it a step further by partnering with leading behavior change technology company Thrive  to help employers turn insights into action to ensure both organisations and individuals alike are resilient and primed to succeed.​

To explore more about what workers want, read our full report here. Complete your details below to download your copy now.