Access to global skills in a global talent shortage

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01 October 2021 by Experis
business-transformation digital-workspace

The UK’s growing talent shortage continues to create challenges for employers looking to fill roles with candidates who have the right mix of experience and skills. According to our recent Skills Revolution report, nearly two-thirds (64%) of companies do not have the skills required to implement their digital transformation strategy and capitalise on growth potential. At the same time, acute skill shortages continue – in cloud, cyber security, system and software engineering, software development, data analysis and more. Access to global candidates can provide new avenues for employers to find the talent they need.

However, with changes following Brexit, potential tax implications and a host of other hurdles to consider, access to global talent can sometimes feel like a pipedream. But are there solutions to these hurdles and can access to global talent be easily achieved?

Watch our latest Experis webinar where our panel of experts discuss the UK’s talent shortage and when accessing global talent is the right decision for your organisation. Also in the webinar:

  • Understanding your existing workforce - building deeper insights about the potential and capabilities of people within your organisation

  • Developing skills at all levels within your workforce - mapping the roles your organisation will need in the future and developing career pathways to get people there

  • Shifting to outcome-based engagement - how taking a different approach to talent can remove the stress of managing a workforce and delivering the right outcomes for your organisation.