Product Designer (Remote)

Job Type:
Cloud & Infrastructure
Job reference:
over 2 years ago

What I'll be doing - your accountabili,es Skills and quali,es required for the job
* You will be responsible for being the confident, objec,ve voice of our users. Relentlessly chasing needs based innova<on and producing world class quality experiences.
* Product Design - You will be responsible for ensuring the user is able to achieve their goal easily, in a simplified user journey, with low fric<on interac<ons in a way that has a
commercial benefit.
* Experience defini,on and direc,on - You will be accountable for collabora<vely defining the digital
experience on major products within the focus area of your squad and considering the impact on all ini<a<ves across the digital channels.
* Design execu,on & delivery - You will be accountable for transla<ng user needs and business goals into compelling interac<ve customer journeys.
* Con,nuous improvement - You will engage with Content Designers, user research & data analysis to ensure our content is evidence based, user centred and con<nually op<mised.
* Commercial approach - You will ensure Copy and Content supports and aligns with the Digital and Consumer strategy and objec<ves
* Responsible for the applica<on of the BT/EE Design System in your experience designs.
* Design Team - You will be a Design team representa<ve and a main point of contact for
product owners and product team members on developing a user centred approach to all
ac<vi<es A spectrum of technical exper<se across the following skills (with a specialism in some areas):
* Interac,on Design & Prototyping - defining the order and experience of the users ac<vi<es within the digital touch-points
* Visual Design & Finesse - craeing interac<ons into a simple and delighiul user interface
* Informa,on Architecture - ensuring content is findable and usable
* User Journey Mapping - designing end to end journeys with needs and data at their heart
* User Research & Tes,ng - discovering issues and needs regular qualita<ve learning
* Data Analysis, MVT & A/B Tes,ng - analysing behaviours and appe<tes using regular quan<ta<ve learning
* Micro Copy & Micro Interac,on Design - ensuring each moment is inten<onally craeed

The following quali<es:
* Excep,onal collabora,on and communica,on skills with an intrinsic ability to turn complexity
into simplicity.
* Lean approach to ac,on; con<nually finding ways to deliver more value to the customer and the business with less effort.
* Strategic thinking and planning; driving efficient ways of working, looking to make a best in class design team and opera<ng model.
* Entrepreneurial and flexible approach to ac<vi<es; adap<ng behaviours and proac<vely removing barriers to delivering results.

Connected leaders behaviours Experience you would be expected to have
* Collabora<ve Partner
* Customer Champion
* Commercial Thinker
* Experience in the main areas of Digital Product Design
* Experience in Design in a user centred Digital environment
* Enough technical knowledge to design for feasibility

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